austenic steel




  1. The varied weld penetration depths of austenic stainless steel in A-TIG welding are studied.
  2. HF welding process of austenic stainless steel pipes has passed appraisal
  3. This paper expounds the regulations of the influence of the moisture, crystallizing mode of weld joint, droplet transfer, nonmetallic inclusion and other factors in the welding agent of Chrome-Nickel Austenic stainless steel welding rod.
  4. At relatively high austenic matrix hardness, wear of the alloy steel was governed by both the matrix strength and the abrasion resistance of the hard particles.
  5. This article analyzes the emergence mechanism of stress corrosion, introduces the reason, phenomenon and influence factor of stress corrosion engendered in low-carbon steel and austenic steel, presents four methods to prevent stress corrosion fracture from emergence.
  6. At a relatively low austenic matrix hardness, wear of the alloy steel was characteristic of fatigue wear of the matrix and the resultant peeling off of the hard particles.
  7. The Effect on Abrasiveness by Strong Toughness of Serial Austenic Manganese Steel
  8. Aser surface coating of step bioceramic composite layer on austenic stainless steel was studied.
  9. Intercrystalline Corrosion and Protection of Austenic Stainless Steel
  10. The Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenic Stainless Steel in Polythionic Acid
  11. This paper expounds the phenomenon of intercrystalline corrosion of Austenic stainless steel, which is often used in phosphoric acid or compound fertilizer industry, as well as corroding mechanism, describes the pretreatment measures and the influence of several working methods to intercrystalline corrosion.
  12. When the hardness of austenic matrix ranges in 330~ 430 HV, the effect of austenic matrix hardness on the wear resistance of the alloy steel becomes margin.
  13. Toughness and Hydrogen-induced Disbonding of the Overlaying Joint Bond for lCr-1/ 2Mo Steel with Austenic Steel
  14. Influencing Factors of the Porosity in Welding of Chrome-Nickel Austenic Stainless Steel